Workshop: Firm-level Data Collected by Development Finance Institutions
Virtual Workshop Organized by the Private Sector Development Research Network
Hosted by the Center for Global Development
Event Summary – PSDRN 2021 Workshop on DFI Data FINAL
The PSDRN (Private Sector Development Research Network) is organizing an invitation-only, virtual workshop to discuss private sector data collected by Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), actual applications, new methods and challenges and opportunities in accessing DFI data.
The workshop opens with a presentation session, ‘DFI data and applied research,’ will welcome speakers including Çağatay Bircan from EBRD, Camilo Mondragon-Velez from IFC, Patricia Yanez-Pagans from IDB Invest, as well as CDC Group. The session, moderated by Neil Gregory from IFC, aims to discuss data that is not commercially or publicly available for analytical purposes, such as information on owners and sponsors of private firms DFI invest in, risk assessments of investments or end-beneficiary data collected.
The workshop closes with a plenary discussion, ‘Challenges and Opportunities in making better use of DFI Data,’ a high-level discussion moderated by Nancy Lee from CGD to identify and discuss challenges in sharing and using DFI data. The discussion welcomes panelists David Atkin from Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Erik Berglöf from Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Anastasia Gekis from IFC.
Workshop participants will consist of DFIs, users of DFI data, academics and other external experts with insights and inputs on methods.
After the workshop, we will be hosting an optional working session discussing ‘Methods to codify, digitize and store data, and make it usable’ — please let us know if you are interested to participate in this session.
Members of the network interested in attending the Workshop are invited to contact Irina Gnezdilova at ignezdilova@ifc.org for further information.