Virtual Seminar | The Public Development Banks Database: Conversation with Régis Marodon, AFD
Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021 | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT

Virtual Seminar | The Public Development Banks Database: Conversation with Régis Marodon, AFD

Organized by the Private Sector Development Research Network


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This virtual event will introduce the first database on Public Development Banks (PDBs) developed by the Institute of New Structural Economics (INSE) at Peking University and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), for the Finance in Common Summit. The conversation will focus on challenges for data collection and harmonization as well as options to expand the scope to different areas of interest to Development Finance Institutions.

Moderated by Alexandros Ragoussis, Senior Economist, Economics and Private Sector Development, IFC.


Régis Marodon is senior economist on sustainable finance at the French Development Agency (AFD). Ph. D in Economics, he joined the AFD group in 1989, where he contributed to development financing in many African, Mediterranean and Latin American countries and was successively Director for Turkey, Mexico, and Latin America. He joined AFD’s advisory staff in 2016 on sustainable finance matters and participates in numerous international networks on this topic.


Who are the development banks and the development finance institutions, what are their characteristics and mandate? What assets do they mobilize, and what is their weight in the global financial market? Based on their annual reports, the database on Public Development Banks (PDBs) provides, for the first time, a comprehensive mapping of development banks worldwide

Who are the development banks and the development finance institutions, what are their characteristics and mandate? What assets do they mobilize, and what is their weight in the global financial market? Based on their annual reports, the database on Public Development Banks (PDBs) provides, for the first time, a comprehensive mapping of development banks worldwide.

There are about 450 PDBs, in the world. Spread over all continents, with varying sizes, geographies and themes of intervention, these very diverse institutions have a combined total of $11.2 trillion in assets. Despite their global renaissance, their role, functioning and effectiveness are still overlooked, mostly due to a lack of data.

To fill this gap and better understand these essential institutions, the Institute of New Structural Economics (INSE) at Peking University and the Agence française de développement  have developed the first comprehensive database on development banks. An analysis work is in progress, using this data to establish a typology of these institutions. The first results will be shared during the 14th AFD International Research Conference on Development, The Visible Hand: Development Banks in Transition, in the framework of the Finance in Common Summit.

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