The Impact of Digital Credit in Low-Income Countries
Seminar by Jonathan Robinson, UCSC
Organized by the Private Sector Development Research Network
Friday July 22, 2021 | 9:00 am – 10:00 am EDT
Professor Jonathan Robinson will summarize evidence from the first set of rigorous experimental studies that are capable of cleanly identifying the impact of digital credit. The emerging picture suggests that effects are modest and meet neither the worst fears nor the transformative effects touted by proponents. The benefits are improved household risk-coping ability and self-reported financial well-being. The most worrying findings, from the perspective of those investing for impact in digital credit, are around mis-selling, and evidence that some borrowers do not understand the fees they will be charged. Moderated by Paddy Carter, Director of Research, British International Investment
Jonathan Robinson is a professor of economics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His research is primarily focused in sub-Saharan Africa, and includes studies of how individuals cope with risk, a project to understand why farmers do not adopt potentially profitable agricultural technologies, and several studies of small businesses in Kenya. His current work includes evaluations of various strategies to improve health outcomes in poor countries.
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